Hand-Woven Cotton Rug w/ Geometric Pattern & Braided Fringe, Black & Natural

Our thoughtfully curated collection of rugs showcases a wide array of lush woven textures, prints, embroidery, and silhouettes to instantly transform any space. Explore a wide variety of pieces to bring warmth to any space including doormats, patchwork, dhurrie rugs, circle rugs, tufted area rugs, floor runner rugs, and so much more. Choose from vast selection of materials from pieced leather and jute to handwoven cotton and wool, and styles from mid-century modern and global to contemporary boho and traditional farmhouse. Effortlessly bring depth, warmth, and texture to a living space with a thoughtfully placed rug that is sure to impress. This modern boho floor rug features intricately handwoven geometric designs on cotton, finished with decorative fringe. Display in a living or dining space of any style from Scandinavian to farmhouse. Spot Clean Only. Made from cotton.

Catalog Name: 4' x 6' Hand-Woven Cotton Rug w/ Geometric Pattern & Braided Fringe, Black & Natural

UPC: 191009544739

Inner: 0

Carton: 2

Cube: 1.685

Dimensions: 72.0 x 48.0

Style: Hand-Woven

Pattern: Geometric

Care Labels: Spot Clean Only